Source code for herald.decorators

"""Main module containing the decorator definition.

This module and class should be imported and used to create a new decorator instance.

Typical usage example:

.. code-block:: python

   from herald.decorators import Herald

   herald = Herald(".env")

   def my_function():
import traceback
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Union

from .types import Messenger, Secrets, TaskInfo
from .utils import load_secrets

[docs]class Herald: """Class for creating a decorator instance. This class is used to set up the decorator with the .env file. \ The resulting decorator can be used to decorate long-running functions. Args: secrets: Secrets object containing the secrets from the .env file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, env: str = ".env"): """Initializes the instance with the .env file. Args: env: String containing the path to the .env file. """ self.secrets: Secrets = load_secrets(env)
[docs] def __call__( self, messengers: Union[Messenger, List[Messenger]], message: Union[str, None] = None, send_result: bool = True, send_function: bool = True, send_args: bool = True, ) -> Callable: """Creates a decorator instance with the given messengers. Args: messengers: Messenger, or list of Messenger, to send the messages. message: String containing a custom message to send. send_result: Boolean indicating whether to send the result of the function. send_function: Boolean indicating whether to send the name of the original \ calling function. send_args: Boolean indicating whether to send the args and kwargs that \ were passed to the function. Returns: A decorator instance that can be used to wrap functions. """ def decorator(func: Callable) -> Callable: @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any): info = TaskInfo( name=func.__name__, message=message, send_result=send_result, send_function=send_function, send_args=send_args, header="Herald: Task Status", args=args, kwargs=kwargs, ) try: result = func(*args, **kwargs) info.has_errored = False info.result = str(result) self._notify_messengers(messengers, info) return result except Exception as e: info.has_errored = True info.result = str(traceback.format_exc()) self._notify_messengers(messengers, info) raise e return wrapper return decorator
[docs] def _notify_messengers( self, messengers: Union[Messenger, List[Messenger]], info: TaskInfo ) -> None: """Iterate through the messengers and ask them to send the notification. This is an internal method and should not be called directly. Args: messengers: Messenger, or list of Messenger, to notify. info: TaskInfo to send to the messengers. """ if isinstance(messengers, list): for messenger in messengers: self._set_messenger_secrets(messenger) messenger.notify(info) else: self._set_messenger_secrets(messengers) messengers.notify(info)
[docs] def _set_messenger_secrets(self, messenger: Messenger) -> None: """Tells the messenger to set the secrets from the .env file. This is an internal method and should not be called directly. Args: messenger: Messenger to set the secrets for. """ messenger.set_secrets(self.secrets)