Source code for

"""Module for the Email messenger.

This module defines the Email messenger class, which is used to send
notifications via email.

Typical usage example:

.. code-block:: python
   from herald.decorators import Herald
   from herald.messengers import EmailMessenger

   herald = Herald(".env")
   email = EmailMessenger()

   def my_function():

import re
import smtplib
import ssl
from email.message import EmailMessage

from ..types import Messenger, Secrets, TaskInfo
from ..utils import build_arg_string, build_kwarg_string

[docs]class EmailMessenger(Messenger): """A class for sending notifications via email. Args: recipient: String containing the email address of the recipient. smtp_server: String containing the SMTP server address. smtp_port: Integer containing the SMTP server port. smtp_starttls: Boolean indicating whether to use STARTTLS. smtp_user: String containing the SMTP username. smtp_password: String containing the SMTP password. """
[docs] def __init__(self, recipient: str): """Initializes the EmailMessenger with the given recipient. Args: recipient: String containing the email address of the recipient. """ self.recipient: str = recipient self.smtp_server: str = "" self.smtp_port: int = -1 self.smtp_starttls: bool = False self.smtp_user: str = "" self.smtp_password: str = "" if ( re.fullmatch( r"^[A-Za-z0-9._+\-\']+@[A-Za-z0-9.\-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,}$", recipient ) is None ): raise ValueError("Invalid email address.")
[docs] def set_secrets(self, secrets: Secrets) -> None: """Sets the secrets for the EmailMessenger. Secrets required are the SMTP details for the server that will be sending the email. Args: secrets: Secrets for the EmailMessenger. """ self.smtp_server = secrets.smtp_server self.smtp_port = secrets.smtp_port self.smtp_starttls = secrets.smtp_starttls self.smtp_user = secrets.smtp_user self.smtp_password = secrets.smtp_password
[docs] def notify(self, info: TaskInfo) -> None: """Creates and sends an email with the given TaskInfo. Args: info: TaskInfo object containing the information to be \ sent. Contents should be used to create the email. Raises: SMTPException: An error occurred while sending the email. """ msg = EmailMessage() msg["Subject"] = f"{info.header}" if info.send_args: args = build_arg_string(info.args) kwargs = build_kwarg_string(info.kwargs) call = f"{}({args}, {kwargs})" else: call = f"{}()" if info.message: msg_content = f"{info.message}\n" else: if info.has_errored: msg_content = "Task has failed with an error.\n" else: msg_content = "Task has completed successfully.\n" if info.send_function: msg_content += f"\n\nFunction:\n```\n{call}\n```" if info.send_result: msg_content += f"\n\nResult:\n```\n{info.result}\n```" msg.set_content(msg_content) context = ssl.create_default_context() with smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_server, self.smtp_port) as server: try: server.ehlo() if self.smtp_starttls: server.starttls(context=context) server.login(self.smtp_user, self.smtp_password) server.send_message(msg, self.smtp_user, self.recipient) except smtplib.SMTPException as e: raise e