Source code for herald.utils

"""Helper functions used throughout the package."""

from typing import List, TypeVar, Union

from dotenv import dotenv_values

from .types import Messenger, Secrets, TaskInfo

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]def truncate(input: T, length: int) -> Union[T, str]: """Truncate an input value to custom typed representation. Args: input: Value to be truncated. Can be of any type. length: Length to truncate the value to. Returns: Truncated representation of the input. """ if isinstance(input, bool) or isinstance(input, type(None)): return input input_type = type(input).__name__ try: input_clean = str(input).strip().replace("\n", " ") except Exception: return input_type if len(input_clean) > length: half_len = length // 2 start = input_clean[:half_len] end = input_clean[-half_len:] output = f"{start}..<{input_type}>..{end}" else: output = input return output
[docs]def build_arg_string(args: tuple, truncate_length: int = 10) -> str: """Create string representation of an args tuple. Args: args: Tuple of arguments to be converted to a string. truncate_length: Length to truncate the string to. Returns: String representation of the args. """ result = "" for arg in args: truncated = truncate(arg, truncate_length) if isinstance(arg, str): result += f"'{truncated}', " else: result += f"{truncated}, " result = result[:-2] # remove last comma return result
[docs]def build_kwarg_string(kwargs: dict, truncate_length: int = 10) -> str: """Create string representation of a kwargs dict. Args: kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments to be converted to a string. truncate_length: Length to truncate the string to. Returns: String representation of the kwargs dict. """ result = "" for key, value in kwargs.items(): truncated = truncate(value, truncate_length) if isinstance(value, str): result += f"{key}='{truncated}', " else: result += f"{key}={truncated}, " result = result[:-2] # remove last comma return result
[docs]def load_secrets(env: str = ".env") -> Secrets: """Load secrets from a .env file. The contents of the .env file are stored in a Secrets object. Args: env: Path to the .env file. """ try: env_dict = dotenv_values(env) lowered = {k.lower(): v for k, v in env_dict.items()} secrets = Secrets(**lowered) except FileNotFoundError: secrets = Secrets() return secrets
[docs]def send_notification( messengers: Union[Messenger, List[Messenger]], info: TaskInfo, env: str = ".env" ) -> None: """Send notification without using a decorator. This function can be used to send a notification without using a decorator. This \ allows you to send a notification at any point, without tying it to a specific \ function. Args: messengers: Messenger, or list of Messenger, that will send the notification. info: TaskInfo object containing information to send in the notification. env: Path to the .env file containing the secrets to use. """ secrets = load_secrets(env) if isinstance(messengers, list): for messenger in messengers: messenger.set_secrets(secrets) messenger.notify(info) else: messengers.set_secrets(secrets) messengers.notify(info)